High, defined cheekbones and a strong chin have long been signs of beauty and elegance. As we age, however, and lose the collagen that gives our skin its firmness and structure, our cheeks can become sunken and hollow.
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Contact UsFinding The Right Plastic Surgeon
The implants to be used during your chin or cheek augmentation will be carefully selected for the correct size and desired shape, to give you the most natural-looking result possible. Because of the nature of surgical implants, the results of the surgery will be permanent, though they may not be immediately observable after surgery until swelling decreases. These augmentation procedures will not fundamentally alter your appearance, but can accentuate your existing facial features. A skilled plastic surgeon will meet with you prior to the procedure to discuss in-depth your cosmetic goals and concerns. To schedule a consultation in the greater NYC area and learn more, contact the office of NYBG Plastic Surgery today.
Kevin Small Md Publications

Role of Autologous Fat Transfer to the Superficial Fat Compartments for Perioral Rejuvenation
Recently, there has been an emergence of transferring autologous fat to treat facial aging. Facial aging is not merely a skin problem, as all layers of the face (i.e., skin, fat, and bone) change with age and therefore collectively contribute to senescence.
Read More About Chin & Cheek Augmentation